
Entry Cost Discounts
Present Mic 100 Pts.
Ends: 2024-11-20 12:59:59 JST
Hawks 100 Pts.
Ends: 2024-11-20 12:59:59 JST
Sting Dance 100 Pts.
Ends: 2024-11-20 12:59:59 JST
Ice Fang Wind Flame 50 Pts.
Ends: 2024-11-20 12:59:59 JST

Active Maps & Modes
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Background Image U.A. Island Ver. 02
Be the last one standing in a battle of 24!
Background Image Unranked Match 3 Ppl.
Background Image U.A. Island Ver. 02
Believe in yourself and become Champion!
Background Image Unranked Match 1 Ppl.
Background Image U.S.J. Ver. 02 Unforeseen Simulation Joint
Be the last one standing in a battle of 24!
Background Image Ranked Match 3 Ppl.

Background Image U.S.J. Ver. 02 Unforeseen Simulation Joint
Practice your moves with Battle Settings to your liking!
Background Image CPU Battle (EASY) 1~3 Ppl.
Background Image U.S.J. Ver. 02 Unforeseen Simulation Joint
Practice your moves with Battle Settings to your liking!
Background Image CPU Battle (NORMAL) 1~3 Ppl.
Background Image U.S.J. Ver. 02 Unforeseen Simulation Joint
Practice your moves with Battle Settings to your liking!
Background Image CPU Battle (HARD) 1~3 Ppl.